Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic condition where the body’s ability to produce or respond to insulin, ( a hormone released by the pancreas) is not working properly.
People with type 2 have a higher risk of developing other conditions impairing circulation, and nerve function. Ultimately this can result in cardiovascular conditions as well as damage to kidneys and eyes through nerve damage.
As we age our risk increases but it can affect any age. Genetics can play a role but more importantly lifestyle is implicated. Lack of exercise, poor nutrition, stress, smoking and more can increase risk of developing.
Prevention is the best course to take and by consuming fresh vegetables, high fibre, good fats like extra virgin olive oil and decreasing highly refined foods you may help prevent the risk of developing the condition.
Some tips that may help lower you risk and help to manage the blood sugar regulation.
Start with the diet by eating healthy fats, protein and fibre to balance blood sugar. Include high protein foods like eggs, wild- caught salmon, sardines etc., high fibre foods figs, fresh vegetables, seeds, nuts and healthy fats like olive oil and avocadoes. Choose grass-fed meats as they contain higher levels of Omega-3 (which is found to be low in Western Diet). Pumpkin seeds are especially good to include as they are high in zinc as well as fibre. Fibre is key to elimination and detoxification which can be key to stabilising healthy blood sugar levels.
Broccoli is a great vegetable to include because of the levels of chromium a mineral that has been shown to play a role in insulin signalling pathways therefore it can help to balance blood sugar levels plus it has good levels of fibre. Magnesium is another mineral involved in over 300 cellular pathways in our body so a very important mineral, include leafy greens especially spinach and chard known to be high in magnesium.
Sugary foods and refined carbohydrates play a role in unstable blood sugar levels. When including small amounts of carbohydrate, try to eat alongside the healthy fat, protein and fibre to balance out the blood sugar. Ideally avoid all refined sugar as it spikes blood glucose rapidly, especially soft drinks (including diet) but lesser known is fruit juice as it can also cause blood glucose to sharply rise. If you must sweeten anything a small amount of raw honey is the best option but if you are already having issues with stabilising blood glucose avoidance is best. Try adding cinnamon to foods as it has been shown to help with balancing blood glucose.
Grains can become an issue and if you are already diabetic or insulin resistance, try avoiding until you stabilse and then only consume minimal amounts. Grains especially gluten containing can cause inflammation in the gut as well as affecting our hormones such as cortisol and leptin. Sprouted grains are the best alternative when consuming.
If you want to know anymore you can contact me here